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Camile Prigent - Divine Créatrice
From France, in Ibiza, Spain
I am Camille Prigent, 34, founder of Divine Créatrice, a sensual, vital, and powerful brand that supports women and couples. I grew up in Brittany (France), and my desire to care for others led me to a career as a nurse. Suffering from bulimia and in search of fulfillment, I traveled to New Zealand in 2017, where I embraced Vipassana meditation, yoga training, and shamanism.

Camile Prigent - Divine Créatrice
My journeys took me to Bali, Australia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and India, where I deepened my yoga knowledge and trained in various holistic and Shamanic practices. Now based in Ibiza, I am devoted to my life's mission, continually evolving and perfecting the care and Flow yoga classes I offer with love. My intention is to bring this expanded consciousness to the world, with the aim of helping others feel the freedom of self-healing and the importance of connecting to their sensations and emotions, returning to the heart. My treatments and massages are an invitation to travel through exploration, feeling, and discovering.